The Birthday girl and her family
all the Momans girls (though one became a Marks and another was born a Marks)

I was probably 12 the last time I had a tea party and I believe I made a fort at the top of the stairs and prepared sandwiches, cookies, and of course tea, served on moms fancy china to Lissy, Medori, and Ashley. Beck came up with the idea of having a tea party and watching Jane Austen videos all day for her birthday, it was great I am hereby thoroughly 1800s romance brainwashed. It's just to bad we didn't have time to watch them all though it would probably take another entire day to finish the rest of them.
On the way home Lissy, Medori, and I where in a car together, Wesley slept in her car seat the whole way. It felt like we where the three little girls again, Lissy and Medori where pestering each other and talking about ridiculous things.
Melissa: "I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth"
Medori: "Lissyyyyyy" =_=;
Melissa: "Could I get salt all around that rim-rim-rim-rim? Trey? I was like, “Yo, Trey? Could I get salt all around that rim-rim-rim-rim"
Medori: "Lissssyyyyyyyy" @_@;
I was ignoring it, or teaming up with Lissy against Medori, or with Medori against Lissy I believe though, I've matured enough to just do it for fun now and to know when to stop, not to enjoy seeing someone pestered as I used to.
From our drive we concluded that Medori makes a straightforward snow whisperer but my methods seem more mystical.
Medori: "the snow says there's a van in front of us"
Meghan: "The alighnment of the flakes tell us the road is clear and we should make it home safely"
Since Whitefish last summer I was trying to describe the kind of fog we saw on the road in and driving home I think I finally found the right words, "the fog clustered in transparent pools above the road" Lissy and Medori had some conversation about the fog too.
Medori: "the fog is dense like Lissy"
Melissa: "what do me and fog have in common?"
Medori: "mostly the dense part with fog being a more distant relative"
On the way home Lissy, Medori, and I where in a car together, Wesley slept in her car seat the whole way. It felt like we where the three little girls again, Lissy and Medori where pestering each other and talking about ridiculous things.
Melissa: "I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth"
Medori: "Lissyyyyyy" =_=;
Melissa: "Could I get salt all around that rim-rim-rim-rim? Trey? I was like, “Yo, Trey? Could I get salt all around that rim-rim-rim-rim"
Medori: "Lissssyyyyyyyy" @_@;
I was ignoring it, or teaming up with Lissy against Medori, or with Medori against Lissy I believe though, I've matured enough to just do it for fun now and to know when to stop, not to enjoy seeing someone pestered as I used to.
From our drive we concluded that Medori makes a straightforward snow whisperer but my methods seem more mystical.
Medori: "the snow says there's a van in front of us"
Meghan: "The alighnment of the flakes tell us the road is clear and we should make it home safely"
Since Whitefish last summer I was trying to describe the kind of fog we saw on the road in and driving home I think I finally found the right words, "the fog clustered in transparent pools above the road" Lissy and Medori had some conversation about the fog too.
Medori: "the fog is dense like Lissy"
Melissa: "what do me and fog have in common?"
Medori: "mostly the dense part with fog being a more distant relative"