Fun Day with the Girls

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010

I was going through grandma and grandpas photo albums earlier today and found myself especially interested in the many babies that have been in their life. I saw one of my dad at just about the age wesley is now, it makes me think how happy I am to be at this stage in life. Newly married with my first little one
I also saw a little bity Uncle Douge, Darrel, Michelle, Devin, Mackenzie, Melissa, Medori, Ginger, and Thomas. they've seen so many babies born.
Monday, November 29, 2010
High Tea

On the way home Lissy, Medori, and I where in a car together, Wesley slept in her car seat the whole way. It felt like we where the three little girls again, Lissy and Medori where pestering each other and talking about ridiculous things.
Melissa: "I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth"
Medori: "Lissyyyyyy" =_=;
Melissa: "Could I get salt all around that rim-rim-rim-rim? Trey? I was like, “Yo, Trey? Could I get salt all around that rim-rim-rim-rim"
Medori: "Lissssyyyyyyyy" @_@;
I was ignoring it, or teaming up with Lissy against Medori, or with Medori against Lissy I believe though, I've matured enough to just do it for fun now and to know when to stop, not to enjoy seeing someone pestered as I used to.
From our drive we concluded that Medori makes a straightforward snow whisperer but my methods seem more mystical.
Medori: "the snow says there's a van in front of us"
Meghan: "The alighnment of the flakes tell us the road is clear and we should make it home safely"
Since Whitefish last summer I was trying to describe the kind of fog we saw on the road in and driving home I think I finally found the right words, "the fog clustered in transparent pools above the road" Lissy and Medori had some conversation about the fog too.
Medori: "the fog is dense like Lissy"
Melissa: "what do me and fog have in common?"
Medori: "mostly the dense part with fog being a more distant relative"
Sunday, November 21, 2010
New Mom Update

So being a mother has consumed most of my life as of late... actually, all of my life has been taken over by this new joyous task of baby raising. She's over two months old now and it has been two months with some of the most amazing and most stressfull moments in my own 22 years of life.
One of the most precious moments in my life was when she was born. I asked to hold her immediately and as the screaming little body was placed on my belly she calmed down and silently rested there, we both where so content. I looked down at her and instantly loved the little warm infant, I thought she was beautiful.
Ten minutes felt like seconds and the doctor was asking to cut the cord and take her away to do their check up stuff I didn't want to part with her but I hesitantly allowed them to take her away. The next afternoon we headed home and I set up my room like the hospital with everything near by so that I didn't even need to leave the bed to care for her it was very convenient. Mom came over and helped out with a lot of stuff.
To forwarn you, an account of my breastfeeding exprience ahead,
After three days we discovered she wasn't gaining weight properly and wasn't sucking well so whenever she wasn't sleeping she was crying and after three more stressful days of trying, waking her up every two hours to try get her to eat, I finally had to start using some formula, feeding her has been the most stressful aspect of these few months I've had with her, I can only imagine how simple things would have been if breastfeeding had gone smoothly.
As it is, I had to start pumping and couldn't get Wesley to latch or if she did she didn't suckle much at all. Over the course of time I've tried all kinds of things, waking her every three hours, cup feeding, finger feeding, nipple shield, kangaroo care, chiropractor visits all to get her to latch and pumping, herbal supplements, and domperidone to keep my milk supply up. Over the course of time I spent hours reading up on all the information I could find on what other people have done in my situation. Sometimes I figured I would just have to accept my role in her life as a mom who was going to pump milk for her and bottle feed her for the first year of life, sometimes I was close to giving up completely. I don't know what's wrong with me but somehow giving up just isn't an option I supose I'm incrediby stubborn that way and it finally seems to be paying off!!
At just about three months she is finally a latching baby and it takes a bit of training on my part to get used to this idea, I always nurse her before bottle feedings now and she is needing less and less bottle feedings all the time. Bottle feeding is so much more convenient in public right, so I have to train myself not to resort to it out of embarasment. I have a nursing baby I just have to get used to the idea of being a nursing mama.
Thoughts that kept me going:
"It's not going to happen quickly this will be two steps forward one step back" A breastfeeding friend of mine from church told me that her son got frustrated with bottle feeding because it was to slow for him so I figured aha! "A key component to this is getting enough milk for her to prefer me to the bottle." And when I did get her latched on and she was barely sucking (as usual) or just sitting there I would just leave her there as long as it wasn't time for me to pump or she wasn't searching for some sustinence "comfort nursing first, then as she begins to associate the breast with food nutritive nursing would follow naturaly" I also left her there thinking to myself, "she's learning, this is learning time for her as she figures this out"
Once she hit 12 pounds I let her set her own sleep schedual and wake and sleep all she liked. I believe our first real breakthrough happened when I sat on the couch, put her on a pillow latched on and lay my head on the back of the couch and fell asleep. Over time we found out how to lay down on the couch with her on my stomach resting in my one arm which was suported by the back of the couch, our most recent accomplishment is the side lying possition which we both love.
Eventually I believe it was shear persistance and some grace from God for all the patience that made it work.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Happy Birthdays

I woke up at six in the morning on the fifth and started feeling occational tightening in my lower abs and stomach but it was so mild and infrequent I figured I should get some extra rest in case I didn't have another chance later so slept until 11.
In the afternoon Wade and I went over to Jed and Lindsays. I watched the girls while Wade and Jed went to switch the cars tires afterwards we where invited to my parents house for waffles and ice cream. I napped about two hours or so and Wade went out and mowed the lawn with the tractor before having some waffles. We left about 9pm. All day the abdomen tightening had continued and where becoming more frequent so to be on the safe side Wade and I headed to the hospital.
While waiting for the doctor Wade asked what I thought it would be, "I'm going to say a girl, but I know I'm going to be wrong" he said, "me too I think it's a girl but I'm going to be wrong." We where set on a boys name but still uncertain about a girls middle name we both liked Anya and Claire so we did rock paper scissors, I think secretly I wanted Claire to win though.
The doctor talked about inducing in the morning if things hadn't started on their own and that I should walk around until midnight and if nothing happened get some rest, I walked until midnight then lay down to rest and boo hoo couldn't sleep because they where to strong and frequent, I was a bit bummed out that I wasn't going to be getting to sleep
needless to say, by 8:55 the next morning we had our very own little daughter and we named her Wesley Claire.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Relaxing in the Prairies #2
I caught three fish, Jed and Lindsay each caught one and poor Wade the fisherman didn't catch any. He had a good time though.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Spring Break at Gull Lake
My parents planned a vacation to gull lake, a camp in Alberta my family had worked at summer 1999 and winter 2000 before moving to Portage. I was very excited to go a long unfortunately however Wade was not able to make it because of work.
We spent one full day traveling, and have been here one full day already. Travel
the eighth, went to the West Edmonton mall the ninth and today we're doing work projects.Wade and I have been able to have some pleasant conversations through text messaging. I was able to keep him up to date on what we were doing each day. While I was gone he bought sandwich groceries, kitty litter, and worked at cleaning the house, exciting I know. Our little cat, Dooms, was in heat and annoyed him the entire time I was away.
17 Weeks Pregnant
Friday, February 19, 2010
Dealing with Daily life
When I'm angry and struggling with situations in life I know I can't do anything about my only option seems to be letting it sit and bitter in my heart. While I'm unable to do anything, God is capable of doing everything with it and healing my hurt. I know this, but for some reason giving up the feirce grip of negative angry thoughts is still so hard to do.
"You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt should lose it's taste how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket but rather on a lampstand and it gives light for all who are in the house"
- Mathew 5:13-15
14 Weeks Pregnant
Monday, February 1, 2010
Good News Confirmed
I had my suspicions, but as of January 26, I know for sure. The doctors confirmed Wade and I are having a baby. He's suggested a name for a girl and I like it, I've suggested a name for a boy and he likes it now we have to come up with the middle names. Currently we are keeping the names a secret.
12 Weeks Pregnant
Friday, January 29, 2010
An Article about Tuth
What is true cannot be decided on by a committee or by popular opinion, it can only be it discovered by committed seekers. Let me explain. The laws of physics words discussed in a boardroom and voted upon as true and false, they had to be discovered. Physics doesn't conform to our formulas, our formulas were designed through observation of physics, are formulas were made to explain and understand physics, not to create its laws.
A belief or personal opinion means nothing unless it conforms to reality. I can say, there is no such thing as the rocky mountains, a whole country could say there is no such thing as the rocky mountains, they are a myth. Their belief would mean nothing to the actual existence of the mountain's.
Beleifs not conforming to reality can even be dangerous, for example I can believe a centimeter of ice will support my weight, I can put all the faith and confidence into that I ice but it won't change the truth of the matter. When I step out onto the ice I'm going to fall through.
It is a popular opinion that there is such a thing as my truth and your truth and they can be different but that's OK. This isn't possible. Nobody designs the world around them by their beleifs, the world is as it is and it's not going to change whether you do or don't believe it. One person could very well hold the right opinion, and another hold the wrong. One beleifs correct the other incorrect. That may not be a very popular opinion, but is what's popular always right?
Now the issue this has been building up two, is there a God? Suffice it to say, if there is, there is and nothing you can say or do will change that. If there is a god, he is who he is and you can't decide on what he's like, what his principles are, the extent of his involvement with humanity or what he intends to do with his creations during and after their life on earth. If he is, then he is, and he is as he is with out your opinion on the matter. If there isn't there isn't. But it would be most beneficial for you to know the truth of the matter because the answer to this very simple question influences every area of your life: your thoughts, actions, morality, and purpous for very existence hinge on this question many dismiss far too easily
I know what I believe and I know why I believe it, I think about it every day and regularly do more research. I am a truth seeker. I will not be satisfied with cliche answers or popular opinions. Ultimately, I would like to challenge you to know what you believe and why because it could be that your believing a lie.
11 Weeks Pregnant
Friday, January 1, 2010
Wonderful scent
So, a great start to the new year. I had a wonderful time at "specken dicken" the new year's tradition of delicious hearty pancakes served at grandma and grandpa's for lunch. Later in the afternoon when most people had left I went for a nap in the far spare bedroom. I lay there in that cold room under all warm blankets breathing in the smells of growing up and fond childhood memories from days I had visited and slept there. I listened to everyone visiting. From that room I could hear everyone downstairs, in the dining room, kitchen, and living room. I fell asleep enjoying the peaceful sounds of my family and smelling the wonderful scent of old memories.
7 Weeks Pregnant (didn't know it yet)
Smelling the roses