Fun Day with the Girls

Fun Day with the Girls

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Post

A lot has happened this year. I went to Mexico, started working at countess place, graduated, got married, moved out of my parents' house. Through it all I was trying to read through the bible. I was more often ahead and behind.

So, a new chapter of my life begins, and new year. But this time, most of my decisions have to be brought up with Wade as well. It's been a year of many spiritual up's and downed. Some of these things have been recorded in my blog entries this past year. I've got lots of hopes for this year. It's my hope that I'm following God's plan for a relationship, I'll be able to follow His plan for other parts of my life.

Today, I'm full of hope. I can't say the whole year has been so wonderful. I felt crushed and hopeless many times. Just after getting married was very hard for me. I was homesick, and scared of having to take control of my life and direct my own path of. I felt hopeless because I figured I'd never be able to do what God it asks me, or maybe, God wouldn't ask me to do anything because I'm not faithful. Anyway, this has been a pretty rambling entry, but it's a record of what has come to mind thinking about the year.

The Mexico trip was amazing. I can look back on that as a blueprint of what my daily walk with God should look like. We ate together every day, met together for prayer every morning, had morning devotions every day, had a study every evening. Each day we did some work of help. I tried handing out tracts to people and reading them to them, I asked a lady how to pronounce Spanish words so I could.

What a beautiful eight days of my life! I dreamt of starting a mission trip to Portage, of inviting my neighborhood into my home for bible studies, of handing out tracts and telling people about Jesus, heaven, hell, and god. These are my dreams. They're even bigger than I can put on paper. I dream of Christians who would sell everything and live together, meeting every morning for prayer and evening to share and learn. Each day to go out and share the gospel and lend help.

I have a plan for the next 90 days starting tomorrow. I hope two: choose a one day a week to fast, read through the bible, pray every morning, read and learn from " the love dare"

7 Weeks Pregnant (didn't know it yet)

Monday, December 28, 2009


If it's false:
Who invented it?
Why did they invent it?
How can it be confirmed as false

If it's true:
Who learned about it?
How did they come to know about it?
How can it be confirmed as true?

Religion is a way of seeing the world. It is a set of beliefs concerning cause, nature and purpous of the universe and offten contains a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
This set of beliefs if it is to be taken as true, is responsible to consistently and logically account for any and all questions that may be asked of it concerning the origin and authenticity of the beliefs origin and the answers to life it is claiming to be.

The belief must answer to it's origin (where it came from) becuase truth must be found, it can't be invented.

It must answer to your questions because it claims to be that answer. It claims to be your answer for cause, nature, and the purpous of the universe, so it better answer questions concerning those things and it better be consistent with what is known and evident about cause and nature.

Ultimately, this belief must answer among others, these questions:
The earth came from somewhere, where did it come from?
Plants and animals came from somewhere, where did they come from?
Humans came from somewhere, where did they come from?
All matter came from somewhere, both living and nonliving, where did it come from and how did it come to do what it's designed to do (one example of countless: cells splitting, hair growing only so much in diamiter then only growing in length from there, same for fingernails, and the growing, development, and aging of living things each predictably in it's proper time)?
Besides simply functioning living matter, humans have minds which are composed of but not limited to: thought, conscience, reflection, observation, comparison, decision, respect, hatred, compassion, empathy... where did these come from?
All nature is governed by unbreakable laws (physics, chemistry, etc) where did they come from and what is keeping them in place?
People have a sense of right and wrong, where did this sense come from?
What is good, why is it good?
What is evil, why is it evil?

Why can't we not ignore these questions and simply believe nothing and just live life? Because without belief where does our moral code come from and what governs the conduct of human affairs? The questions must be asked because there there is injustice and what is just can only be determined by a moral code which cannot be determined without beliefs.

These questions have been asked because there has to be an answer. We see the end result, but we want to know how it got there, and if it's there, it must have gotten there somehow according to cause and effect. We see the effect and wonder about the cause. Where do babies come from? is prompted by the effect of seeing a baby, because the baby is there, it must have gotten there somehow, so the question is asked: "what is the cause."
because science shows us, everything makes sense, the world functions because it all works, it will continue to work wether we know how it functions or not. But knowing how it functions can be of great benefit as we have discovered in the field of medicine, chemistry, and even physical fitness as some examples.

The answer's have great significance to the way we lead our lives, what we think and what we do.

There is an answer for every question that has been prompted by a cause and is asking for the effect (because it's impossible for there to be an uncaused effect). it's just a matter of finding the right source.
7 Weeks Pregnant (didn't know it yet)

Smelling the roses

Smelling the roses