So, a new chapter of my life begins, and new year. But this time, most of my decisions have to be brought up with Wade as well. It's been a year of many spiritual up's and downed. Some of these things have been recorded in my blog entries this past year. I've got lots of hopes for this year. It's my hope that I'm following God's plan for a relationship, I'll be able to follow His plan for other parts of my life.
Today, I'm full of hope. I can't say the whole year has been so wonderful. I felt crushed and hopeless many times. Just after getting married was very hard for me. I was homesick, and scared of having to take control of my life and direct my own path of. I felt hopeless because I figured I'd never be able to do what God it asks me, or maybe, God wouldn't ask me to do anything because I'm not faithful. Anyway, this has been a pretty rambling entry, but it's a record of what has come to mind thinking about the year.
The Mexico trip was amazing. I can look back on that as a blueprint of what my daily walk with God should look like. We ate together every day, met together for prayer every morning, had morning devotions every day, had a study every evening. Each day we did some work of help. I tried handing out tracts to people and reading them to them, I asked a lady how to pronounce Spanish words so I could.
What a beautiful eight days of my life! I dreamt of starting a mission trip to Portage, of inviting my neighborhood into my home for bible studies, of handing out tracts and telling people about Jesus, heaven, hell, and god. These are my dreams. They're even bigger than I can put on paper. I dream of Christians who would sell everything and live together, meeting every morning for prayer and evening to share and learn. Each day to go out and share the gospel and lend help.
I have a plan for the next 90 days starting tomorrow. I hope two: choose a one day a week to fast, read through the bible, pray every morning, read and learn from " the love dare"