There are so few things in a day that above all other things that may happen, I want to see them done consistently, among eating and cleaning house, personal hygene and taking care of pets, and of course driving, five things need to be done, just five.
However, it seems wrong for some of those on the priority list to take presidence over relationships and conversations. What really matters in life is people, I mean seriously. So offten I wish that I could live the exemplary life I have all worked out in my head, and I'm not talking fancy car big house on a beach kind of ideal, that's not my sort of dream.
The optimal life in my eyes would be one saturated with contentment and gratitude, not being surounded by appeasing situations but to be content in whatever circumstances. Instead of rushing around keeping myself busy or entertained every moment of the day patiently enjoy each task and when there isn't anything necessary to be done:
- Find a quiet place outside or in my home and meditate
- Sit outside on the front porch and soak in the nabourhood
- If there's people around make a point of dropping things and spending time with them
Ultimately I desire a life of commitment, do the things I really want to do instead of what's easy. Satisfation from Sims, TV, and movies comes easy but is unlasting, it's humdrum and empty it's composed of false goals false acheivments, getting to know people who don't exist, living a whole lifetime in an hour creates discontentment to live this real lifetime minute by minute. This pleasure has no lasting value because it didn't cost anything.
Comparing the lasting joys of dicipline to instant gratification of the passing whim
- eating well and excercise vs. food and lazyness
- reading, writing, and studying vs. electronic entertainment
- social interaction vs. electronic entertainment
- meditation and quiet thinking time vs. electronic entertainment
Conciously pick the ones on the left and be on the way to having a life, continue to pick the ones on the right and spend this short lifetime in a world that doesn't exist.
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